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energetic ion中文是什么意思

用"energetic ion"造句"energetic ion"怎么读"energetic ion" in a sentence


  • 高能离子


  • The second population is pulled forwards by the propagating energetic electrons . the third energetic ion population emerg
  • From time to time , the sun produces bursts of energetic ions and electrons ; furthermore , charged particles are a major component of the galactic cosmic radiation that constantly bombards our solar system
  • The generation of energetic ions during the interaction of a linear - polarized ultra - short ultra - intense laser pulse with solid targets are examined by particle simulation . three energetic ion populations are observed and the acceleration mechanisms are analyzed , respectively . the first population is pulled out from the target by the electron jet in front of the target
  • This thesis is devoted to studying those issues relevant to the interaction of ultra - short ultra - intense laser pulses with overdense plasmas , including the generation and transport of relativistic electron beams , the generation of quasistatic magnetic field , the energetic ions production , and the influence of preplasma on electrons acceleration
用"energetic ion"造句  
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